How Much Does Fence Installation Cost in 2022?

fence installation cost

Did you know the global fencing industry is expected to grow over 6 percent before 2026?

With homeowners seeking more privacy and higher security, the demand for fencing is rising, and so is the need for labor. But how much does fence installation cost?

There are a few things that factor into the overall price, and we’re here to help you learn everything you need to know. Read on for the complete fence installation price guide.

How to Estimate Fence Costs

When it comes to estimating fencing costs, there are a few things you’ll need to consider. This is where getting professional quotes can come in handy, even if you’re planning to install yourself.

Having a professional opinion is going to help you know what your yard’s specific needs are, and you might even decide that taking on a DIY fence replacement isn’t the best move to make after all.

Here are a few of the most important factors to consider. 

Material Used

While wooden fencing remains a popular choice, vinyl is a very popular option. Depending on the neighborhood you live in, vinyl might even be the only choice you have.

Other options include chain link,  steel, or even wrought iron. In other neighborhoods, steel fencing might also be a requirement (especially for lakefront homes).

Chain link is going to be the cheapest option, while wrought iron is likely to cost you the most. Wood is a good middle-of-the-road budget option, but it’s not going to last as long as other materials like vinyl and steel.

Where You’re Building the Fence

If you live in a rural area, installation is likely to cost you more. Both laborers and materials are likely to be farther away, and it’s going to cost more to get everything you need to be delivered. Some material costs also depend on where you live, so you might end up paying more based on that as well.

Another thing that can affect the price is where on the property your fence is being built. If it’s in a hard-to-reach or narrow area, or if some overgrown trees or weeds make installation difficult, you might end up paying more to have the work done.

Examining your land before getting started can help you get an idea about what your property is going to need, and how much you should budget.

Gates and Posts

Posts should be set in concrete no matter where you’re constructing, usually below the frost line, as this is going to help extend the life of the post itself. You should check local regulations to see if there’s a depth requirement, though.

Posts are typically spread six to eight feet apart and can run anywhere from $5 to $150, depending on the material used, and adding a gate to that final tally is only going to drive the price up. 

Like everything else, the price is going to depend mostly on material, size, and style, but with gates, you’ll also need to consider whether the gate is a walk-through or drive-through. A walk-through fence can run anywhere from $150 to $250, while a drive-through can range from $150 to $600 before labor.

Ground Condition

We’ve touched lightly on this already, but you’re going to have to consider the ground condition in the area you’re installing your fence.

In some cases, you might have to have trees removed, or rocky soil and concrete. The same can be said for bedrock found at the post depth, as it’s going to have to be bored through or removed before the fence itself can be installed. If your yard has a slope or vegetation near the fence line, then the price is going to increase to accommodate that.

If your yard does have a slope, you might find that it’s best to have the ground leveled before installation starts. Yes, it’s going to increase labor costs, but it’s also going to give a more level fence line.

Remember, the more obstructions you find on your fence line, the more posts are going to need to be installed. With more posts comes a higher installation price.

Additional Things to Consider

While the factors we’ve already considered might seem obvious, there are things you might not immediately think of. Here are a few additional factors to consider.


How are you going to remove your old fencing? How much work needs to be done before you begin your installation?

You can always save money by doing some of the work yourself, but if you don’t know what you’re doing then it’s best to leave it to the professionals. If you have a stone or iron fence, then you might have to hire a specialist to get everything out of the way, as it’ll require special tools and equipment.

Either way, don’t forget to factor in extra labor when you’re working out your fence installation budget.


If you live in a neighborhood or other suburban area, you’re likely to find that your power lines are run underground. If you accidentally hit a power or gas line while digging, the results can come with huge consequences.

Most cities have a “call before you dig” policy in place, so you’ll be able to map out where the lines are. The team you hire should also be able to come out before the day of your installation to map out the lines in your yard so consequential mistakes can be avoided. Local power companies will also typically check these lines for free.

If you have to work around them, however, know that it might affect your project’s overall cost.

Permits and Permissions

Depending on your neighborhood and jurisdiction, you might also have to obtain special permits and permissions to build a fence. Certain neighborhoods will have to obtain permission from HOA to put up fencing, while others are going to have to gain permission from their local municipality.

You’ll also want to double-check that your fence lies completely on your property with a land surveyor or something similar.

Benefits of New Fencing

Now that we’ve gone over the biggest factors that dictate the cost of your fencing, you might feel intimidated. Taking on this project — especially if you live on a big property — can feel daunting, but there’s plenty that you stand to gain.

Here are a few benefits of taking on the fence installation process.

Increased Home Value

When your backyard is fenced in, your home is automatically more secure. You’re also boosting your curb appeal, which is something that’s been proven to increase a home’s value.

Homes with fencing also tend to sell for higher prices than similar homes without, which is great if you plan on selling at any point.  

Enhanced Privacy

Even if you love your neighbors, it doesn’t always mean you feel like talking or hanging out with everyone while your kids are playing in the backyard. One of the easiest ways to create a quiet environment for you and your family is to fence your yard.

Not only can a standard six-foot wooden or vinyl fence help you maintain your privacy, but it can also keep your kids and pets safe while they play or do their business. It also makes it easier for your pets to go out at night on their own, rather than you having to watch them.

Maintain Your Landscaping

If you live near a forest or another area with lots of wildlife, fencing can also help you maintain your landscaping — especially if you have a garden or other plants that you enjoy caring for.

While wildlife in your yard can be cool at times, it quickly turns into a hassle if animals are always eating the food you try to grow for yourself.

Also, if you choose the right fencing, it’s going to complement your landscaping and help make your property an oasis that you feel like you can escape to.

Improved Security

If you have a sturdy fence, it’s typically going to be good at keeping intruders out. You’ll be able to feel more confident about keeping your tools and toys safe in your backyard this way, and you’ll be able to know that everything inside is safe and sound.

You’ll also feel safer knowing that you can see the boundaries you’ve set up for your property, rather than wondering what’s beyond your property line (especially if your yard borders a forest).

Clear Boundaries

No matter the size of your property, it’s possible to face property line issues. If you live on a corner, a stranger might cut across your yard, or a neighbor might want to build a structure that accidentally falls across the property line.

Whatever the case might be, a fence that you’ve verified is on your property line is going to prevent these issues completely. It’s also going to help you keep your privacy and peace over issues like ruined garden beds and tip-toeing neighbors.

Create a Sound Barrier

Some fencing material is also great for creating a sound barrier whenever you need it. Wood or vinyl fencing, for example, is great for absorbing sound that comes from major highways, or even things like train tracks (assuming they’re not right behind your yard).

They can’t eliminate noises, but they can help reduce the sounds that reach your windows throughout the day.

What About Metal?

While metal fences might not offer the privacy that comes with vinyl or wood fencing, they have their own set of benefits. Here are a few of the best.


You might pay extra for your metal fencing, but you’re guaranteeing yourself a fence that’s likely to last a lot longer than other options. They’re also designed to not need maintenance, and you won’t have to worry about rust or pest infestations.

They don’t warp like other materials, and they’re perfect for areas that are prone to adverse weather.


Metal is also a lot more sustainable than other fencing materials. If you choose a powder-coated fence, it isn’t going to affect the recycling process, meaning you still get to help the environment while keeping your property and everything on it safe and clean.

Maintain Your Views

Lastly, if your property has views that you love, a metal fence isn’t going to disrupt that.

A simple chain link fence can be perfect for preserving your view, but so can wrought iron. You also have a lot more options when it comes to iron fences, like coloring, height, and rail design, and you can even get creative with the posts you choose to install.

The other great part of maintaining your views is keeping wildlife out. It can be a real hassle for some homeowners, but a metal fence allows you to still see them without having to worry about them getting into your yard. Even if they’re not a problem for you, separation is great for keeping both them and you safe from harm or hazards.

Ready to Calculate Your Fence Installation Cost?

Now that we’ve gone over a few of the most important things that contribute to fence installation cost, are you ready to plan out yours? Whether you’re fencing the yard of your brand new home or you’re replacing your old fence, planning so you know what to expect is important.

If your situation is unique, though, or you simply don’t feel like installing your fence, you can always call in a professional. Luckily, Butte Fence can help you out. Contact us today to request a free quote.

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